Changelog ========= 1.2.0 (unreleased) ------------------ - #35 Compatibility with core#2521 - AT2DX ARTemplate/SampleTemplate - #34 Add transition "Reject antibiotics" - #33 Display the Antibiotic Sensitivity section only when necessary - #32 Compatibility with senaite.core#2492 (AnalysisProfile to DX) 1.1.0 (2024-01-04) ------------------ - #31 Support lower than, greater than and fractions for MIC values - #30 Fix sizes for numeric fields are too small - #26 Fix Sensitivity result is not updated when selective reporting is missing - #25 Do not allow to "submit" AST analyses with no result save - #23 Fix AST calculation does not work when extrapolated antibiotics - #22 Hide Unit and display Submitter before Captured in AST entry - #21 Fix AST entry is empty when analyses categorization for sample is checked - #20 Compatibility with 1.0.0 (2022-06-18) ------------------ - #17 Selective reporting for extrapolated antibiotics - #15 Support for extrapolated antibiotics - #13 Allow addition of new antibiotics to submitted/verified AST analyses - #12 Negative values for diameter and zone size tests not permitted - #12 Do not allow to submit AST analyses with empties - #11 Better styling of AST Panel selector in Sample view - #10 Allow to remove retracted AST analyses retests - Initial Release